Gay Fun & Gay Sex in Glasgow

If you love a man in a kilt, or find the Scottish accent completely irresistible, or perhaps you are a sexy Scottish guy yourself, you could do worse that visiting Glasgow.

Whether you live in and around this sexy city or are just visiting for work or fun there is so much to explore, so many fun guys to meet and a great range of gay amenities for whatever you are into. Continue…

Great British Gay Films

Britain is a known as a diverse and tolerant culture (individual idiots aside) so when it comes to making great movies, especially great gay movies, Britain is at the forefront of pushing boundaries and discovering great gay stories to show on screen.

Great gay films are made in Britain and when you look back they always have been – despite the illegality of homosexuality until 1967 and the still too often (but slowing) objections to gay rights  – movies that have gay characters in them have been around since before films had sound! Continue…

How often does a great Bromance turn into hot gay sex?

The word bromance has been used so much in the media in recent years and it has become word to describe close male friendships and the increasing ways in which men now also emotionally connecting to each other, sharing feelings and getting and giving the emotional support that was once the realm of women. Continue…