Amazing positions to try when you’re having a gay threesome.

So you’re heading into a gay threesome…..exciting! A threesome can be a perfect way to spice up your sex life, bring a little bit of novelty into the bedroom, or perhaps you have some quirky fantasies that you’re dying to try out. Whichever applies to you, a fun gay threesome will be just the thing to set your heart beating faster. Continue…

Looking for a gay date this Christmas? Check out GayScene.Org

Gay message boards are a great way to find people who like what you like, with the advent of apps why are gay message boards still so popular? Well there are a few very good reasons, apps are all very well, but they have some serious limitations. Firstly, you are going to have no knowledge of the gay men that you chat to. They’re all total strangers because apps don’t have a group element, so you’re pretty much putting all your apples in one basket. Continue…